We are in need of God's Word to give to each child that comes.
When God told the Disciples to go and tell the Good News, He wanted every person to have the opportunity to know Him through the testimonies that the Disciples had. We as Christ Followers/Disciples ourselves must continue what was started after Christ ascended back to Heaven to take His place next to God by also spreading the Word of God to each and every person that is alive that we can reach. So here is the call that anyone can help with what we are doing at God's Healing Country. Our goal is to give each child their own Bible (age appropriate of course) that comes to start the healing by God and the workers that God has chosen to be the hands and feet for Him. WE NEED BIBLES! BIBLES THAT A CHILD CAN READ FROM THE AGE OF 3 AND UP. SO DIFFERENT BIBLES ARE NEEDED TO COMPLETE THIS PROJECT. Any all Bibles are needed whether they are new or used. We just need Bibles to be able to put in each child's hand to be able to read about God's merciful love that is unconditional. Monies to buy Bibles or actual Bibles will work. Pray for this to be a completed soon. We will have 690 children at one time here so we will need Bibles for a while. Thanks for answering this call in advance and may God bless you for your part of this work.